CEFAZOLIN SODIUM 1g Powder for Injection



Cefazolin Sodium Powder for injection, each vial contains : Cefazolin sodium lyophilized equivalent with Cefazolin 1 g.



Cefazolin Sodium contains Cefazolin sodium (equivalent with Cefazolin) available in powder for injection. 



Cefazolin is indicated for the treatment of serious infections caused by sensitive organisms, i.e., :

  • Upper respiratory tract infection.
  • Skin infections and skin structure.
  • Bone and joint infections.
  • Septicemia.
  • Perioperative prophylaxis.
  • Urinary tract infection.
  • Biliary tract infections.
  • Genital infection.
  • Endocarditis.



Usual dosage for adults 

Type of infection Dosage Frequency
Moderate to severe infection 500 mg – 1 g Every 6 – 8 hours
Mild infections caused by sensitive gram positive cocci 250 – 500 mg Every 8 hours
Uncomplicated and acute urinary tract infections 1 g Every 12 hours
Pneumococcal pneumonia 500 mg Every 12 hours
Severe life threatening infections (e.g., endocarditis, septicemia)* 1 – 1.5 g Every 6 hours

*In this condition, the dose of Cefazolin can be increased to 12 g/day.

Usage on perioperative prophylaxis :

  • 1 g IV or IM 1/2 – 1 hour before surgery.
  • For long surgery (2 hours or more), 500 mg – 1 g IV or IM during surgery.
  • 500 mg – 1 g IV or IM every 6 – 8 hours, used 24 hours after surgery.

Use in patients with reduced kidney function, the dosage must be adjusted :

Creatinine clearance Serum creatinine Dosage
≥ 55 ml/minutes ≤ 1.5 mg % Usual dose
35 – 54 ml/minutes 1,6 – 3 mg % The usual dose is an 8 hours drinking interval
11 – 34 ml/minutes 3,1 – 4.5 mg % 1/2 usual dose/12 hours
≤ 10 ml/minutes ≥ 4.6 mg % 1/2 usual dose/18 – 24 hours

Use in children :

  • Mild to moderate infections : 25 mg/kgBW/day in 3 – 4 divided doses.
  • Severe infection : 100 mg/kgBW/day.

Usage table based on weight :

Weight 25 mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses 25 mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses
1 bs Kg Dosage Amount of solvent Dosage Amount of solvent
10 4.5 40 mg 0.35 ml 30 mg 0.25 ml
20 9.0 75 mg 0.60 ml 55 mg 0.45 ml
30 13.6 115 mg 0.90 ml 85 mg 0.70 ml
40 18.1 150 mg 1.20 ml 115 mg 0.90 ml
50 22.7 190 mg 1.50 ml 140 mg 1.10 ml

Use in children with impaired kidney function :

Creatinine clearance (ml/minutes)/ml/seconds Dosage
40 – 70/0.67 – 1.17 7.5 – 30 mg/kgBW every 12 hours
20 – 40/0.33 – 0.67 3.1 – 12.5 mg/kgBW every 12 hours
5 – 20/0.08 – 0.33 2.5 – 10 mg/kgBW every 24 hours


  • For IM injection, direct IV or IV infusion, reconstitute with sterile aqua pro injection as indicated on the label :
Vial Amount of solvent Concentration Volume of injection solution
1 g 2.5 ml 330 mg/ml 3.0 ml
  • Then the solution is shaken well and observed visually the presence of foreign particles in the solution, before use. If there are foreign particles, the solution must not be used.
  • Reconstitution solutions can be pale yellow to yellow without any potential changes.
  • The reconstitution solution is stable for 24 hours at temperature below 30ºC and stable for 96 hours when stored at refrigerator temperature (2 – 8)ºC.



Patients who are allergic to cephalosporins.



  • Use of Cefazolin during pregnancy and lactation, only when really needed.
  • Use in premature infants and infants under 1 month, safety and effectiveness is unknown.



  • The use of aminoglycoside class antibiotics will increase the occurrence of nephrotoxicity.
  • Probenecid can reduce tubular renal secretion, so that Cefazolin levels in the blood will increase.



  • Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies (e.g., itching, skin rash), liver and kidney disorders, local reactions (pain after intramuscular use is very rare).
  • Hematologic disorders, such as : Leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytemia.
  • Other side effects that may arise are itching in the anus and genitalia, genital candidiasis and vaginitis.



Cefazolin Sodium Powder for injection Box, 10 vials @ 1 g

Reg. No. GKL2002362444A1





The reconstitution solution is stable for 24 hours at temperature below 30ºC and stable for 96 hours when stored at refrigerator temperature (2 – 8)ºC.




Manufactured by : 


Sidoarjo – Indonesia